Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin | City of Raleigh - Government
Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin | City of Raleigh - Government
The Raleigh Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities has announced the availability of $1000 scholarships for students with disabilities recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). According to the committee, the scholarship opportunity is intended to support students with disabilities in their pursuit of higher education. This year, three deserving students will have the opportunity to receive this scholarship.
Applicants interested in the scholarship must meet specific criteria, including being a resident of the City of Raleigh and either being enrolled in or accepted to an accredited university, post-secondary school, college, trade school, or another institution of higher learning. The selection of scholarship recipients will be based on various criteria such as academic performance, financial need, character, school and community involvement, honors and awards, aptitude in written expression, and personal motivation or leadership potential.
Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their applications before the deadline of Friday, June 7. For further details and inquiries, applicants can contact Shakema McClean at or Christina Bauman at