John Hardin, Executive Director of the Office of Science, Technology & Innovation | North Carolina Department of Commerce
John Hardin, Executive Director of the Office of Science, Technology & Innovation | North Carolina Department of Commerce
The deadline to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) in 39 North Carolina counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is approaching on March 10. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed individually by the Division of Employment Security (DES). Residents can file applications online at
DUA benefits are available for residents in several counties, including Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Forsyth, Gaston, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, Lee, Lincoln, Macon, Madison McDowell Mecklenburg Mitchell Nash Polk Rowan Rutherford Stanly Surry Swain Transylvania Union Watauga Wilkes Yadkin and Yancey counties as well as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
Individuals who lost employment due to Hurricane Helene may qualify for unemployment benefits through DUA. Business owners impacted by the hurricane might also be eligible. DUA covers unemployment starting from September 29th last year and can extend up to 26 weeks until March 29th this year. Eligibility is determined weekly based on ongoing unemployment caused by the disaster.
To apply for DUA:
Applicants must first apply for state unemployment benefits. If deemed ineligible or if regular benefits are exhausted they may qualify for a DUA claim.
Applicants need to provide:
- Name and address of employers worked with in the past two years.
- County of residence and employment.
- Mailing address ZIP code.
- Valid telephone number.
- Social Security number or Alien Registration number.
- Proof of employment and income if self-employed a farmer or a commercial fisher.
Proof of employment at the time of the disaster must be submitted within three weeks after filing a DUA claim. Those wishing to include self-employment income in their benefit calculation should provide proof from 2023 such as business ledgers bank statements or tax returns. The DES allows access to tax returns through the N.C. Department of Revenue.
For assistance call the dedicated DUA Hotline at 919-629-3857 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or visit for more information.